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1. 促進生物科技研究成果之產業化。

2. 生技相關研發工作教授群之團隊化。

3. 產業職訓課程規劃。

4. 生技相關產業之諮詢。

5. 自負盈虧。


1. 擔任研發中心生技相關研究之服務窗口。

2. 整合化學、生化、生命科學、材料科學及其它生技相關研究設備。

3. 獨立之研究中心。









91.09.11 第八十二次行政會議通過
91.09.20 (91)校秘字第二七二八號函公布104.9.24理學院104學年度第1學期第1次院務會議通過



第一條 為結合校內外相關領域之專家學者以推動生命科學相關產業之國際合作與研發應用,特設置生命科學開發中心(以下簡稱本中心)。
第二條 本中心隸屬理學院,視同二級學術單位,所需經費以自行籌募為原則。
第三條 本中心之職掌如下:
一、 整合全校資源,推動教學研究與生命科學相結合,提昇本校研發競爭力,落實教學與研究成果之相互應用。
二、 結合校內外資源,並善用政府獎助及優惠措施,推動生命科學相關研發之國際合作,以達成產學互惠目標。
三、 開發及受理生命科學相關領域之產學合作研究計畫。
四、 提供政府與產業界之諮詢服務。
五、 協助生命科學研發成果之技術移轉。
六、 其他推動生命科學研發相關事宜。
第四條 本中心置主任一人,由理學院院長兼任,或由理學院院長推薦該院之專任教師兼任之,負責本中心研究計畫及行政工作之督導與協調,學校不另支主任津貼。








王三郎(San-Lang Wang(English)(日本語)

     位: 教授兼所長

 所    屬: 理學院 生命科學研究所

 最終學歷: 日本大阪府立大學 農學博士(應用微生物學專攻)

 專門領域: 應用微生物、酵素科學、微生物學、生質利用

 研究專長及興趣: 微生物所生產酵素及生理活性物質之研究、

 授課科目: 生物技術、微生物學、應用微生物學


淡江大學 化學系教授 (2009/08-present)

Tamkang Univ, Dept Chemistry, Professor

淡江大學 生命科學研究所所長 (2007/08-2009/07)

Tamkang Univ, Grad Inst Life Sci, Chairman

淡江大學 生命科學開發中心主任 (2003/09-present)

Tamkang Univ, Life Sci Develp Ceter, Director

淡江大學 生命科學研究所教授 (2003/08-2009/07)

Tamkang Univ, Grad Inst Life Sci, Professor

大葉大學 生物產業科技系教授 (1997/08-2003/07)

Dayeh Univ, Dept Bioind Technol, Professor

大葉工學院 食品工程系副教授 (1991/08-1997/07)

Dayeh Inst Technol, Dept Food Eng, Assoc Prof

生物技術開發中心副研究員 (1990/07-1991/07)

Develop Center Biotech, Assoc Researcher

大阪府立大學農學博士 (1990/03)

Osaka Prefecture Univ, PhD of Agric

生物資源生物技術 期刊總編輯 (1998- present)

Editor-in-Chief, Bioresource Biotechnology

美國幾丁質學會  期刊編輯 (2008-present)

American Chitin Society, Editor

環境與健康科學  期刊客座編輯(2009)

Journal of Environment & Health Sciences, Guest Editor

第十一屆國際幾丁質幾丁聚醣學術研討會  副主任委員(2009/09/06-09)

The 11th International Conference Chitin and Chitosan, Co-Chair

第八屆亞太幾丁質幾丁聚醣學術研討會   副主任委員(2009/09/06-09)

The 8th Asia-Pacific Chitin and Chitosan Symposium, Co-Chair

2009海峽兩岸幾丁質幾丁聚醣學術研討會 副主任委員(2009/09/20-23) Chitin and Chitosan Symposium in 2009 across the Taiwan Straits, Co-Chair

經濟部工業局 計畫審查委員 (2009)

Ministry of Economic Affairs, Reviewer

考選部 典試委員  
宜蘭縣政府 工商發展投資策進會委員(1998-2013)  


聯絡電話:(02) 2621-5656  ext.3038

FAX(02) 8631-1015

研究室:C - 106

實驗室:C - 116C - 117




        台灣農業化學會 『學術榮譽獎』(2003)


        列名美國"Marguis Who's who in the World"(2003~2009)


        應用微生物學 (高立圖書公司)

        生物技術 (高立圖書公司)


1.     假單胞菌屬新種菌株及使用該新種菌株生產幾丁質酉每、幾丁聚醣酉每及納豆激酉每之製造方法(2009)。台灣、美國、日本專利審查中。

2.     具除臭及去乙烯功能之吸收體製造方法(2005)。台灣專利發明第241163號。

3.     純天然除臭顆粒之製造方法(2004)。台灣專利發明第206095號。

4.     具防霉,抗菌及除臭功能之纖維製造方法(2001)。台灣專利發明第147162號。

5.     一種新穎幾丁質酵素及其製造方法(1999)。日本專利特許第3002140號。

 2006-2011已發表SCI期刊論文 (* Corresponding author)
  1. Wang SL*, Wang CY, Yen YH, Liang TW,Chen SY, Chen CH (2011) Enhanced prodcution of insecticidal prodigiosin from Serratia marcescens TKU011 in media containing squid pen.Process Biochemistry, in press. SCI
  2. Wang CL, Huang TH, Liang TW, Wang SL* (2011) Production and characterization of exopolysaccharides and antioxidant from Paenibacillus sp. TKU023. New Biotechnology, in press. SCI.
  3. Wang SL*, Shieh JL, Liang TW (2011) Biodegradation of shellfish wastes and production of chitosanases by a squid pen-assimilating bacterium, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus TKU024. Biodegradation, in press. SCI.
  4. Liang TW, Liang YC, Chen YC, Wang SL* (2011) Purification and characterization of a novel alkaline-stable a-amylase from Chryseobacterium taeanense TKU001, and application in antioxidant and probiotic. Process Biochemistry, 46:745-750. SCI.
  5. Wang SL*, Wu YY, Liang TW (2011) Purification and biochemical characterization of a nattokinase by bioconversion of shrimp shell with Bacillus subtilis TKU007. New Biotechnology, 28:196-202. SCI.
  6. Wang SL*, Liang TW, Yen YH (2011) Bioconversion of chitin-containing wastes for the production of enzymes and bioactive materials (review paper). Carbohydrate Polymers, 84:732-742. SCI. 
  7. Kuo YH, Liang TW, Liu KC, Hsu YW, Hsu HC, Wang SL* (2011) Isolation and identification of a novel antioxidant with antitumor activity from Serratia ureilytica using squid pen as fermentation substrate. Marine Biotechnology, 13:451-461. SCI. 
  8. Liu JR, Lin YD, Chang ST, Zeng YF, Wang SL* (2010) Molecular cloning and characterization of an insecticidal toxin from Peudomonas taiwanensis. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58:12343-12349. SCI.
  9. Liang TW, Kuo YH, Wu PC, Wang CL, Dzung NA, Wang SL* (2010) Purification and characterization of a chitosanase and a protease by conversion of shrimp shell wastes fermented by Serratia marcescens subsp. sakuensis TKU019. Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 57:857-863. SCI. 
  10. Liang TW, Wu YY, Huang TY, Wang CL, Yen YH, Liu CP, Chen YC, Wang SL* (2010) Conversion of squid pen by a novel strain Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei TKU010, and its application in antimicrobe and antioxidant. Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 56:481-489. SCI.
  11. Wang SL*, Liang TW, Lin BS, Wang CL, Wu PC, Liu JR (2010) Purification and characterization of chitinase from a new species strain Pseudomonas sp. TKU008. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 20:1001-1005. SCI.
  12. Wang SL*, Hsu WH, Liang TW (2010) Conversion of squid pen by Pseudomonas aeruginosa K-187 fermentation for the production of N-acetyl chitooligosaccharides and biofertilizers. Carbohydrate Research, 345:880-885. SCI.
  13. Chen WC, Tseng WN, Hsieh JL, Wang YS, Wang SL* (2010) Biodegradation and microbial community changes upon shrimp shell wastes amended in mangrove river sediment. Journal of Environmental Science and Health (B), 45:473-477. SCI.
  14. Wang SL*, Liu KC, Liang TW, Kuo YH, Wang CY (2010) In vitro antioxidant activity of liquor and semi-purified fractions from squid pen biowaste by Serratia ureilytica TKU013. Food Chemistry, 119:1380-1385. SCI.
  15. Wang SL*, Li JY, Liang TW (2010) Conversion of shrimp shell by using Serratia sp. TKU017 fermentation for the production of enzymes and antioxidants. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 20:117-126. SCI.
  16. Wang SL*, Chang TJ, Liang TW (2010) Conversion and degradation of shellfish wastes by Serratia sp. TKU016 fermentation for the production of enzymes and bioactive materials. Biodegradation, 21:321-333. SCI.
  17. Wang LT, Tai CJ, Wu YC, Chen YB, Lee FL, Wang SL (2010) Pseudomonas taiwanensis sp. nov., a novel species isolated from soil in Taiwan. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 60:2094-2098. SCI.
  18. Wang SL*, Chen TR, Liang TW, Wu PC (2009) Conversion and degradation of shellfish wastes by Bacillus cereus TKU018 fermentation for the production of chitosanase and bioactive materials. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 48:111-117. SCI.
  19. Wang SL*, Liou JY, Liang TW, Liu KC (2009) Conversion of squid pen by using Serratia sp. TKU020 fermentation for the production of enzymes, antioxidants, and N-acetyl chitooligosaccharides. Process Biochemistry, 44:854-861. SCI.
  20. Wang SL*, Yang CW, Liang TW, Wang CL (2009) Degradation of chitin and production of bioactive materials by bioconversion of squid pens. Carbohydrate Polymers, 78:205-212. SCI.
  21. Wang SL*, Wu PC, Liang TW (2009) Utilization of squid pen for the efficient production of chitosanase and antioxidant through prolonged autoclave treatment. Carbohydeate Research, 344:979-984. SCI.
  22. Wang SL*, Chen SJ, Liang TW, Lin YD (2009) A novel nattokinase produced by Pseudomonas sp. TKU015 using shrimp shells as substrate. Process Biochemistry, 44:70-76. SCI.
  23. Wang SL*, Lin YT, Chio SH, Liang TW, Ming LJ, Wu PC (2009) Purification and characterization of extracellular lipases from Pseudomonas monteilii TKU009 by the use of soybeans as the substrate. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology, 36:65-73. SCI.
  24. Wang SL*, Chao CH, Liang TW, Chen CC (2009) Purification and characterization of protease and chitinase from Bacillus cereus TKU006 and conversion of marine wastes by these enzymes. Marine Biotechnology, 11:334-344. SCI.
  25. Wang SL*, Lin CL, Liang TW, Liu KC, Kuo YH (2009) Conversion of squid pen by Serratia ureilytica for the production of enzymes and antioxidants. Bioressource Technology, 100:316-323. SCI.
  26. Wang SL*, Chen SJ, Wang CL (2008) Purification and characterization of chitinases and chitosanases from a new species strain Pseudomonas sp. TKU015 using shrimp shells as a substrate. Carbohydrate Research, 343:1171-1179. SCI.
  27. Wang SL*, Lin HT, Liang TW, Chen YJ, Yen YH, Guo SP (2008) Reclamation of chitinous materials by bromelain for the preparation of antitumor and antifungal materials. Bioresource Technology, 99:4386-4393. SCI.
  28. Wang SL*, Yeh PY (2008) Purification and characterization of a chitosanase from a nattokinase producing strain Bacillus subtilis TKU007 using shrimp shell powder as a medium. Process Biochemistry, 43:132-138. SCI.
  29. Wang SL*, Huang TY, Wang CY, Liang TW, Yen YH, Sakata Y (2008) Bioconversion of squid pen by Lactobacillus paracasei subsp paracasei TKU010 for the production of proteases and lettuce enhancing biofertilizers. Bioresource Technology, 99:5436-5443. SCI.
  30. Wang SL*, Wang CY, Huang TY (2008) Microbial reclamation of squid pen for the production of a novel extracellular serine protease by Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei TKU012. Bioresource Technology, 99:3411-3417. SCI.
  31. Wang SL*, Yang CH, Liang TW, Yen YH (2008) Optimization of conditions for protease production by Chryseobacterium taeanense TKU001. Bioresource Technology, 99:3700-3707. SCI.
  32. Wang SL*, Hsu WT, Yen YH, Wang CL (2008) Purification and characterization of three novel keratinolytic metalloproteases produced by Chryseobacterium indologenes TKU014 in a shrimp shell powder medium. Bioresource Technology, 99:5679-5686. SCI.
  33. Wang SL*, Pen JH, Liang TW, Liu KC (2008) Purification and characterization of a chitosanase from Serratia marcescens TKU011. Carbohydrate Research, 343:1316-1323. SCI.
  34. Liang TW, Chen YJ, Yen YH, Wang SL* (2007) The antitumor activity of the hydrolysates of chitinous materials hydrolyzed by crude enzyme from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens V656. Process Biochemistry, 42:527-534. SCI.
  35. Wang SL*, Chio YH, Yen YH, Wang CL (2007) Two novel surfactant-stable alkaline protease from Vibrio fluvialis TKU005. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 40: 1213-1220. SCI.
  36. Wang SL*, Lin TY, Yen YH, Liao HF, Chen YJ (2006) Bioconversion of shellfish chitin wastes for the production of Bacillus subtilis W-118 chitinase. Carbohydrate Research, 3412507-2515. SCI.
  37. Wang SL*, Yeh PY (2006) Production of a surfactant- and solvent- stable alkaliphilic protease by bioconversion of shrimp shell wastes fermented by Bacillus subtilis TKU007. Process Biochemistry, 41:1545-1552. SCI.
  38. Wang SL*, Kao DY, Wang CL, Yen YH, Chern MK, Chen YH (2006) A solvent stable metalloprotease produced by Bacillus sp. TKU004 and its application in the deproteinization of squid pen for beta-chitin preparation. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 39:724-731.SCI.
  39. Yen YH, Li PL, Wang CL, Wang SL* (2006) An antifungal protease produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa M-1001 with shrimp and crab shell powder as a carbon source. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 39:311-317. SCI.
  40. Liang TW, Lin JJ, Yen YH, Wang CL, Wang SL* (2006) Purification and characterization of a protease extracellularly produced by Monascus purpureus CCRC31499 in a shrimp and crab shell powder medium. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 38:74-80. SCI.
  41. Wang CL*, You SL, Wang SL (2006) Purification and characterization of a catechol 1,2-dioxygenase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa TKU002 with benzoic acid as a carbon source. Process Biochemistry, 41:1594-1601. SCI


  1. Wang SL (keynote speaker) Conversion of squid pen by Serratia marcescens for the production of insecticidal prodigiosin. 9th Asia-Pacific Chitin and Chitosan Symposium, Nha Trang, Vietnam, Aug., 03-06, 2011.
  2.  Wang SL (oral presentation)  The utilization of marine bioresources---An infinite treasure. The Fifth Tamkang International Conference on Ecological Discourse. Tamkang University, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec., 16-18, 2010 .
  3. Wang SL (Inviter speaker)  Isolation and identification of a novel antioxidant with antitumor activity from Serratia ureilytica using squid pen as fermentation substrate. The 7th National Academic Conference on Chitin of  Chinese Chemical Society and International Symposium on the Interdisciplinary Science of Chitin in Chemobilogy and Medicine, Qienchian, China, Nov. 05-09, 2010. 
  4. Wang SL (Invited speaker) Microbial reclamation of fishery chitin-containing wastes. 2010 International Workshop on Environmental Literature and Functional Materials. Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan, June 14, 2010.
  5. Wang SL (Invited speaker) Microbial reclamation of the unutilized chitin-containing bioresource. 2010 Taiwanese Society for Chitin and Chitosan, Kaushion, May 29, 2010.
  6.  Wang SL (Keynote speaker) Microbial reclamation of chitin-containing materials for the production of enzymes and bioactive materials. The 11th International Conference on Chitin and Chitosan (11ICCC), Taipei, Sep. 06-09, 2009.
  7.  Wang SL (Invited speaker) Exploitation of microbial resources and their applications in the field of bioindustry. Biotechnology Center/National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Oct. 07, 2009.
  8.  Wang SL (Inviter speaker) Bioconversion of chitinous materials for the production of enzymes and bioactive materials. Symposium of Biotechnology and Cosmetics, Vannung University, Taoyung, May 21, 2009.
  9.  Wang SL (Invited speaker) Microbial reclamation of chitin-containing materials for the production of enzymes and bioactive materials. The Asian Conference on Environmental Issues (ACEI 2008 pp33-38), Nagasaki University, Dec. 04, 2008).
  10.  Wang SL (Inviter speaker) Bioconversion of chitinous materials for the production of enzymes and bioactive materials. The 6th National Academic Conference on Chitin of Chinese Chemical Society and International Symposium on the Interdisciplinary Science of Chitin in Chemobiology and Medicine, Chinese Ocean University, Quindao, Nov. 12-15, 2008.
  11.  Wang SL (Invited speaker) Microbial reclamation of chitinous materials for the production of enzymes and their application on the development of health foods. Symposium and Workshop on Medical Plants & Health Foods. National Taitung University, May 12-13, 2008.
  12. Wang SL, Huang TY, Wang CY (2008) Microbial reclamation of squid pen for the production of proteases and biofertilizer. Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Process Chemistry (Kyoto, Japan, Jul 28-30, 2008), pp232-233.
  13. Wang SL, Liang TW, Chen YJ (2007) Enzymatic hydrolyzates of chitinous materials as potent inhiobitors of tumor-induced angiogenesis. J Clin Biochem Nutrit, 41 (suppl):77
  14.  Wang SL, Kao TY (2006) A solvent stable metalloprotease produced by Bacillus sp. TKU004 and its application in the deproteinization of squid pen for β–chitin preparation. Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Chitin and Chitosan Symposium (Busan, Korea, Apr 23-26, 2006), pp3-5.
  15. Yen YH, Li PL, Wang CL, Wang SL (2006) An antifungal protease produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa M-1001 with shrimp and crab shell powder as a carbon source. Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Chitin and Chitosan Symposium (Busan, Korea, Apr 23-26, 2006), pp6-8.
  16.  Wang CL, Hsu CC, Yen YH, Wang SL (2006) Enzymatic production of chitooligosaccharides by reversible immobilization of chitinase to reversibly soluble polymer. Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Chitin and Chitosan Symposium (Busan, Korea, Apr 23-26, 2006), pp218-219.
  17. Yeh PY, Wang SL (2006) Production of a surfactant- and solvent-stable alkaliphilic protease by bioconversion of shrimp shell wastes fermented by Bacillus subtilis TKU007. Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Chitin and Chitosan Symposium (Busan, Korea, Apr 23-26, 2006), pp234-235.
  18. Ling YT, Chang MS, Wang SL (2006) Purification and characterization of chitinases and proteases from a bacterium strain TKU008 with shrimp and crab shell as a carbon source. Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Chitin and Chitosan Symposium (Busan, Korea, Apr 23-26, 2006), pp242-243.
  19. Chen CP, Wang SL (2006) Purification and characterization of chitinases and proteases from bromelain. Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Chitin and Chitosan Symposium (Busan, Korea, Apr 23-26, 2006), pp244-245.
  20. Ru YC, Wang SL (2006) Purification and characterization of chitinases and proteases from papain. Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Chitin and Chitosan Symposium (Busan, Korea, Apr 23-26, 2006), pp246-247. 






陳曜鴻     教授 (Yau-Hung Chen)


2010/8-至今   淡江大學化學系教授

2009-2010/7     淡江大學化學系副教授
2007/8-2009/7  淡江大學生命科學研究所副教授
2003/8-2004/7  台灣大學分子細胞生物學研究所特約博士後研究
2002/8-2003/2  美國奧勒岡大學神經科學研究所博士後研究員
2001/8-2003/7  台灣大學漁業科學研究所博士後研究員
1997/8-2001/7  台灣大學漁業科學研究所博士
1995/8-1997/7  台灣大學醫學院生化學研究所碩士
1989/8-1993/7  台灣大學醫學院醫事技術系學士

聯絡電話:(02) 2621-5656 ext.3009 傳真: (02) 8631-1015


實驗室:C-114 ~ 115



1. 頭部肌肉與軟骨發育之分子機制探討

2. 建立人類基底細胞癌(basal cell carcinoma)之魚類模式

3. 抗癌金屬藥物與中草藥之篩選


著作目錄 (2004-present)

(I).期刊論文(*corresponding author, #equal contribution)



(1) Chang MY, Lu JK, Tian YC, Chen YC, Hung CC, Huang YH, Chen YH, Wu MS, Yang CW, Cheng YC* (2011) Inhibition of the P2X7 receptor reduces cystogenesis in PKD. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. (in press) (IF: 8.288)

(2) Lee GH, Chang MY, Hsu CH, Chen YH* (2011) Essential roles of basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors, Capsulin and Musculin, during craniofacial myogenesis of zebrafish. Cell. Mol. Life Sci. (in press) (IF: 7.047)

(3) Lai YY, Pai CW, Tsai IT, Chou CY, Tsai CT*, Chen YH* (2011) Molecular structure and developmental expression of zebrafish atp2a genes. Genes Genom. (in press)(IF: 0.453)

(4) Liao YF, Chiou MC, Tsai JN, Wen CC, Wang YH, Cheng CC*, Chen YH* (2011) Resveratrol treatment attenuates the wound-induced inflammation in zebrafish larvae through the suppression of myeloperoxidase expression. J. Food Drug Anal. 19: 167-173. (IF: 0.615)

(5) Ho MY, Chiou ML, Du WS, Chang FY, Chen YH, Weng YJ, Cheng CC* (2011) Inductive properties of polypyridyl ruthenium complexes significantly regulate various protein distributions in Escherichia coli. J. Inorg. Biochem. 105: 902-910. (IF: 3.317)

(6) Chen YH, Chang CY, Wang YH, Wen CC, Chen YC, Hu SC, Yu DS, Chen YH* (2011) Embryonic exposure to diclofenac disturbs actin organization and leads to myofibril misalignment. Birth Defects Res. B: Dev. Reprod. Toxicol. 92: 139-147. (IF: 2.279)

(7) Wen CC*, Huang SYH, Chen YH (2011) Cox regression for current status data with mismeasured covariates. Can. J. Stat. 39: 73-88. (IF: 0.689)

(8) Chen YH*, Lin JS (2011) A novel zebrafish mutant with wavy-notochord: an effective biological index for monitoring the copper pollution of water from natural resources. Environ. Toxicol. 26: 103-109. (IF: 1.932)

(9) Chen YH, Wen CC, Lin CY, Chou CY, Yang ZS, Wang YH* (2011) UV-Induced fin damage in zebrafish as a system for evaluating the chemopreventive potential of broccoli and cauliflower extracts. Toxicol. Mech. Method. 21: 63-69. (IF: 0.844)

(10) Chou CY*, Hsu CH, Wang YH, Chang MY, Chen LC, Cheng SC, Chen YH* (2011) Biochemical and structural properties of zebrafish Capsulin produced by Escherichia coli. Protein Expr. Purif. 75: 21-27. (IF: 1.644)

(11) Chen YH*, Chiou CH, Chen WL, Jhou YR, Lee YT, Cheng CC* (2010) Rhodamine-ethylenediol, a novel vital fluorescent probe for labeling alkaline phosphatase-rich organelles. J. Chin. Chem. Soc. 57: 1257-1261. (IF: 0.718)

(12) Liao YF, Chen YH* (2010) Zebrafish is emerging to be a model to find sun-protective compounds. Household & Personal Care Today 4: 6-8. (invited review)

(13) Pai CW, Chen YH* (2010) Transgenic expression of prothymosin alpha on zebrafish epidermal cells promotes proliferation and attenuates the UVB-induced apoptosis. Transgenic Res. 19: 655-665. (IF: 2.569)

(14) Peng HC, Wang YH, Wen CC, Wang WH, Cheng CC, Chen YH* (2010) Nephrotoxicity assessments of acetaminophen during zebrafish embryogenesis. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. C: Toxicol. Pharmacol. 151: 480-486. (IF: 2.325)

(15) Ho MY, Chiou ML, Chang RC, Chen YH, Cheng CC* (2010) Outer membrane protein OmpF involved in the transportation of polypyridyl ruthenium complexes into Escherichia coli. J. Inorg. Biochem. 104: 614-617. (IF: 3.317)

(16) Ho MY, Shieh YT, Liao CL, Chen YH, Cheng CC* (2009) Functional dihydro-1H-imidazole derivatives for MALDI signal enhancement of a lysine-specific chemical modification. J. Chin. Chem. Soc. 56: 987-994. (IF: 0.718)

(17) Chen YH*, Wang YH, Yu TH, Wu HJ, Pai CW (2009) Transgenic zebrafish line with over-expression of Hedgehog on the skin: a useful tool to screen Hedgehog-inhibiting compounds. Transgenic Res. 18: 855-864. (IF: 2.569)

(18) Chen YH*, Lin YT, Lee GH (2009) Novel and unexpected functions of zebrafish CCAAT box binding transcription factor (NF-Y) B subunit during cartilages development. Bone 44: 777-784. (cover article) (IF: 4.601)

(19) Wang YH, Cheng CC, Lee WJ, Chiou ML, Pai CW, Wen CC, Chen WL, Chen YH* (2009) A novel phenotype-based approach for systematically screening  antiproliferation metallodrugs. Chem-Biol. Interact. 182: 84-91. (IF: 2.832)

(20) Wang YH#, Wen CC#, Yang ZS, Cheng CC, Tsai JN, Ku CC, Wu HJ, Chen YH* (2009) Development of a whole-organism model to screen new compounds for sun protection. Mar. Biotechnol. 11: 419-429. (IF: 2.962)

(21) Wu SH#, Chen YH#, Huang FL, Chang CH, Chang YF, Tsay HJ* (2008) Multiple regulatory elements mediating neuronal-specific expression of zebrafish sodium channel gene, scn8aa. Dev. Dyn. 237: 2554-2565. (IF: 2.864)

(22) Chen YH*, Tsai HJ* (2008) Myogenic regulatory factors Myf5 and Mrf4 of fish: current status and perspective. J. Fish Biol. 73: 1872-1890. (invited review) (IF: 1.330)

(23) Chen YH*, Huang YH, Wen CC, Wang YH, Chen WL, Chen LC, Tsay HJ* (2008) Movement disorder and neuromuscular change in zebrafish embryos after exposure to caffeine. Neurotoxicol. Teratol. 30: 440-447. (IF: 2.622)

(24) Wang YH, Li CK, Lee GH, Tsay HJ, Tsai HJ*, Chen YH* (2008) Inactivation of zebrafish mrf4 leads to myofibril misalignment and motor axon growth disorganization. Dev. Dyn. 237: 1043-1050. (IF: 2.864)

(25) Chen YH, Huang FL, Cheng YC, Wu CJ, Yang CN, Tsay HJ* (2008) Knockdown of zebrafish Nav1.6 sodium channel impairs embryonic locomotor activities. J. Biomed. Sci. 15: 69-78. (IF: 1.962)

(26) Tsay HJ, Wang YH, Chen WL, Huang MY, Chen YH* (2007) Treatment with sodium benzoate leads to malformation of zebrafish larvae. Neurotoxicol. Teratol. 29: 562-569. (IF: 2.622)

(27) Chen YH*, Chen WL, Wang YH, Huang MY, Chern MK (2007) Spatiotemporal expression of zebrafish D-amino acid oxidase during early embryogenesis. Fish Physiol. Biochem. 33: 73-80. (IF: 1.607)

(28) Chen YH, Wang YH, Chang MY, Lin CY, Weng CW, Westerfield M, Tsai HJ* (2007) Multiple upstream modules regulate zebrafish myf5 expression. BMC Dev. Biol. 7: 1. (IF: 2.781)

(29) Lin CY, Yung RF, Lee HC, Chen WT, Chen YH, Tsai HJ* (2006) Myogenic regulatory factor Myf5 and MyoD function distinctly during craniofacial myogenesis of zebrafish. Dev. Biol. 299: 594-608. (IF: 4.094)

(30) Lee HC, Huang HY, Lin CY, Chen YH, Tsai HJ* (2006) Foxd3 mediates zebrafish myf5 expression during early somitogenesis. Dev. Biol. 290: 359-372. (IF: 4.094)

(31) Wang SL*, Kao TY, Wang CL, Yen YH, Chern MK, Chen YH (2006) A solvent stable metalloprotease produced by Bacillus sp. TKU004 and its application in the deproteinization of squid pen for beta-chitin preparation. Enzyme Microb. Technol. 39: 724-731. (IF: 2.287)

(32) Wang YH, Chen YH, Lu CH, Lin YJ, Chang MY, Tsai HJ* (2006) Epidermis-restricted expression of zebrafish cytokeratin II is controlled by a -141/+85 minimal promoter, and cassette -141/-111 is essential for driving the tissue specificity. Differentiation 74: 186-194. (IF: 3.069)

(33) Wang YH, Chen YH, Lin YJ, Wu TN, Tsai HJ* (2006) A keratin 18 transgenic zebrafish Tg(k18(2.9):RFP) treated with inorganic arsenite reveals visible overproliferation of epithelial cells. Toxicol. Lett. 163: 191-197. (IF: 3.581)

(34) Wang YH, Chen YH, Lin YJ, Tsai HJ* (2006) Spatiotemporal expression of zebrafish keratin 18 during early embryogenesis and the establishment of a keratin 18:RFP transgenic line. Gene Expr. Patterns 6: 335-339. (IF: 2.052)

(35) Wang YH, Chen YH, Lu CH, Tsai HJ* (2005) A 23-amino-acid motif spanning the basic domain targets zebrafish myogenic regulatory factor Myf5 into nucleolus. DNA Cell Biol. 24: 651-660. (IF: 2.159)

(36) Lin CY, Chen YH, Lee HC, Tsai HJ* (2004) Novel cis-element in intron 1 represses somite expression of zebrafish myf5. Gene 334: 63-72. (IF: 2.266)

(37) Chen YH, Lee HC, Liu CF, Lin CY, Tsai HJ* (2003) Novel regulatory sequence -82/-62 functions as a key element to drive the somite-specificity of zebrafish myf-5. Dev. Dyn. 228: 41-50. (IF: 2.864)

(38) Wang TM, Chen YH, Liu CF, Tsai HJ* (2002) Functional analysis of the proximal promoter regions of fish rhodopsin and myf-5 genes using transgenesis. Mar. Biotechnol. 4: 247-255. (IF: 2.962)

(39) Chen YH, Tsai HJ* (2002) Treatment with myf5-morpholino results in somite patterning and brain formation defects in zebrafish. Differentiation 70: 447-456. (IF: 3.069)

(40) Chen YH, Liang CT, Tsai HJ* (2002) Expression, purification and DNA-binding activity of tilapia muscle-specific transcription factor, MyoD, produced in Escherichia coli. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B: Biochem. Mol. Biol. 131: 795-805; Erratum 133: 277-279, (2002). (IF: 1.989)

(41) Chen YH, Lee WC, Liu CF, Tsai HJ* (2001) Molecular structure, dynamic expression and promoter analysis of zebrafish (Danio rerio) myf-5 gene. Genesis 29: 22-35. (IF: 2.395)

(42) Chen YH, Lee WC, Cheng CH, Tsai HJ* (2000) Muscle regulatory factor gene: zebrafish (Danio rerio) myogenin cDNA. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B: Biochem. Mol. Biol. 127: 97-103. (IF: 1.989)

(II). 會議論文
(1) Chen YH, Wang YH, Westerfield M and Tsai HJ (2003) A BAC-GFP construct revealed the faithful recapitulation of endogenous zebrafish myf5 expression. Dev. Biol. 259: 469.
(2) Lin CY, Chen YH, Lee HC and Tsai HJ (2003) An intron segment represses the somite-specific expression of zebrafish (Danio rerio) myf-5 gene. Dev. Biol. 259: 469.
(3) Hu CY, Yang CH, Chen WY, Chen YH and Tsai HJ (2003) Egr1 gene knockdown affects the early development of zebrafish retina. Acta Soc. Ophthalmol. Sinicae 42: 373.
(4) Chen YH and Yu TH (2007) Sonic hedgehog signaling promotes cell cycle progression and consequently causes epidermis dysplasia of the zebrafish embryos. Dev. Biol. 306: 330.
(5) Chang MY and Chen YH (2007) Capsulin, a novel cranial neural crest cell marker, is required for craniofacial organization of zebrafish. Dev. Biol. 306: 381.
(III). 技術報告及其他
陳曜鴻。(2005) 魚類在藥物上的篩選與應用。生物資源與生物技術。卷7: 8-13
陳曜鴻。(2005) 基因轉殖培育魚蝦豐富蛋白質。生技時代。五月號。34-35頁。

1.   林永蒼、李耕琿同學之論文”Novel and unexpected functions of zebrafish CCAAT box binding transcription factor (NF-Y) B subunit during cartilages development.”發表在國際知名期刊Bone,並被選為封面故事。(2009/5/10)

2.   吳欣儒、楊智翔同學參加台灣水產學會2008年學術論文海報比賽,榮獲優秀壁報論文獎(2008/12/20)

3.   陳韋利同學榮獲國科會全額補助,至美國麥迪遜參加斑馬魚遺傳與發育國際研討會。(2008/06/24)

4.   陳曜鴻老師參加SDB 66th Annual Meeting國際研討會,榮獲SDB Teaching Faculty Travel Grant Award(2007/06/20)

5.   張民彥同學榮獲國科會全額補助,至墨西哥參加SDB 66th Annual Meeting國際研討會。(2007/06/20)

6.   張民彥、李耕琿、林永蒼同學參加第二十二屆生物醫學聯合學術年會,榮獲優秀壁報論文獎(2007/03/18)

7.   李宛潔同學參加第十五屆細胞與分子生物新知研討會,榮獲優秀壁報論文獎(2007/02/03)

陳銘凱     助理教授


美國羅格斯大學  博士

美國羅格斯大學 博士 (1998)

臺北醫學院牙醫學學士 (1990)



淡江大學化學系 專任教師 (2009.8~迄今)

淡江大學生命科學研究所 專任教師 (2003.8~2009.7)

中央研究院分生所博士後研究員 (1998.9~2003.7)



聯絡電話:(02) 2621-5656  ext.3039

研究室:C - 107

實驗室:C - 118 ~ 119

E-mail: mkchern@mail.tku.edu.tw


酵素學、蛋白質工程、蛋白質體學、基因工程、 酵母菌細胞功能與遺傳



 I. 期刊論文(Referred papers)


  1. Chern, M.-K. & Pietruszko, R., 1998 (Sep.1); Human aldehyde dehydrogenase E3 isozyme: the N-terminal primary structure. Biochem. J. 334: 487-488.
  2. Chern, M.-K. & Pietruszko, R., 1999 (Jun.); Evidence for mitochondrial localization of betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase in rat liver-purification,characterization and comparison with human cytoplasmic E3 isozyme. Biochemistry and Cell Biology 77: 179-187.
  3. Ambroziak, W., Izaguirre, G., Abriola, D., Chern, M.-K., Pietruszko, R. 1999; Metabolism of retinaldehyde by human liver and kidney. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 463: 205-211.
  4. Chern, M.-K., Wu, T.-C., Hsieh, C.-H., Chou, C.-C., Liu, L.-F., Kuan, I.-C., Yeh, Y.-H., Hsiao, C.-D., Tam, M.F. 2000 (Jul. 28); Tyr115, Gln165 and Trp209 contribute to the 1, 2-epoxy-3- (p-nitrophenoxy)propane-conjugation activity of glutathione S-transferase cGSTM1-1. J. Mol. Biol. 300: 1257-1269.
  5. Chern, M.-K., Gage, D.A., Pietruszko, R. 2000 (Dec.); Betaine aldehyde, betaine, and choline levels in rat liver during ethanol metabolism. Biochem. Pharmacol. 60: 1629-1637.
  6. Pietruszko, R. and Chern, M.-K. 2001 (Jan.); Betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase from rat liver mitochondrial matrix. Chemico-biological interactions 130-132(1-3): 193-9.
  7. Chern MK, Chang KN, Liu LF, Tam TC, Liu YC, Liang YL, Tam MF. 2002 (May); Yeast ribosomal protein L12 is a substrate of protein arginine methyltransferase (RMT2). Journal of Biological Chemistry 277: 15345-15353.
  8. Wang, San-Lang, Chen,Yen-Hsu, Wang, Chuan-Lu, Yen, Yue-Horng, Chern, Ming-Kai. 2005 (Apr.); Purification and characterization of a serine protease extracellularly produced by Aspergillus fumigatus in a shrimp and crab shell powder medium Enzyme and Microbial Technology 36 : 660-665.
  9. Wang SL, Kao TY, Wang CL, Yen YH, Chern MK, Chen YH. 2006 (Aug.); A solvent stable metalloprotease produced by Bacillus sp. TKU004 and its application in the deproteinization of squid pen for beta-chitin preparation. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 39 :724-731.
  10. Tseng SF, Huang TW, Chen CW, Chern MK, Tam MF, Teng SC. 2006 (May); ShyA, a membrane protein for proper septation of hyphae in Streptomyces. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 343:369-77.
  11. Chen YH , Chen WL, Wang YH, Huang MY and Chern MK. 2007 (Apr.); Spatiotemporal expression of zebrafish D- amino acid oxidase during early embryogenesis. Fish Physiol. Biochem. 33 : 73-80.
  12. Shih-Juei Wang, Chi-yang Yu, Cheng-Kang Lee, Ming-Kai Chern and I-Ching Kuan. 2008 (Aug.); Subunit fusion of two yeast D-amino acid oxidases enhances their thermostability and resistance to hydrogen peroxide. Biotechnology letters 30 : 1415-1422.
  13. Ming-Kai Chern*, Wei-Jyh Shiah, Jyun-Jie Chen , Tzung-You Tsai , Hsin-Yin Lin, Chien-Wei Liu (2009), Single-step protein purification by back flush in ion exchange chromatography, Analytical Biochemistry , 392: 174–176. 
  14. Hsin-Ying Lin, Sey-En Lin, Su-Fang Chien, Ming-Kai Chern* (2011), Electroporation for three commonly used yeast strains for two-hybrid screening experiments, Analytical Biochemistry, 416: 117-119, Epub 29 April 2011


 II. 研討會論文(Conference papers)

(1) Wu, T.-C., Chern, M.-K., Hsieh, C.-H., Chou, C.-C., Liu, L.-F., Kuan, I.-C., Yeh, Y.-H., Hsiao,C.-D., Tam, M.F. 2000 (May); Struture

      of functional study of glutathione S-transferase cGSTM1-1 complexed with S-glutathione conjugated 1,2-epoxy-3-(p-nitrophenoxy)

      propane. 第六屆生物物理新知研討會, No.S22, p.42, 國立清華大學.


(2) Min-Kai Chern, Gin-Wen Cheng, Wen-Teish Chang, San-Lang Wang. 2004 (Oct.); Production of proteases from shellfish

      chitin wastes by Bacillus cereus Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering (APCChE2004) , Kitakyushu , Japan.


(3) Wei-Jyh Shiah , Yu-Chun Chen , Ming-Kai Chern. 2008 (Jul.); Non-degraded expression and one-step purification of yeast ALD6       
      enzyme in E. coli
The First International Symposium on Process Chemistry [ISPC 08] , Kyoto, Japan.


