最 新 消 息


王三郎主任於2018/07/09 前往越南國家大學胡志明工業大學(HCM City University of Technology)演講

王三郎主任於2018/07/11 前往越南大叻大學(Dalat University) 演講,並與該校副校長阮文結教授交流

●The 14 th. International Chitin and Chitosan Conference (14th ICCC) and the 12th Asia-Pacific Chitinn and Chitosan Symposium (12th APCCS). Kansai University, Osaka, Japan, Aug. 27-30, 2018. 大會網址http://www.APCCS2018.org/index.html


 EUCHIS-SIAQ 2017 (歐洲幾丁質幾丁聚糖國際學術會議) 2017/05/31 - 06/03 於西班牙塞維亞(Seville) (http://www.chitin2017.com)


2017台灣幾丁質幾丁聚醣學術研討會:2017/06/23 於淡江大學淡水校園 (工學院化材系主辦)




2016/09/23~27 於韓國首爾進行的學術研討會

2012/05/29 於生科中心幫來訪的維也納大學費古生教授(Prof. David Kay Ferguson)慶生

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生科中心王三郎於201112月與越南大原大學(Tay Nguyen University)副校長簽約中心與該校之合作備忘錄

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The 44th IUPAC Word Chemistry Congress and the 47th IUPAC General Assembly will be held from August 11-16 in Istanbul in Turkey.http://www.iupac2013.org/

The European Polymer Congress EPF 2013 will be held from June 16-21 in Pisa in Italy.http://www.epf2013.org/

The 29th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society will be held from July 15 to 19, 2013 in Nuremberg in Germany.http://www.pps-29.com/
