淡江大學 | 中文 | English


陳曜鴻(Yau-Hung Chen)


2023/08-至今     淡江大學化學系教授

2019/08-2023/07 淡江大學化學系教授兼化學系主任

2019/07               美國麻州大學洛厄威分校生物科學系駐點研究

2015/08-2019/07 淡江大學化學系教授兼理學院尖端材料科學學士學位學程主任

2010/08-2019/07 淡江大學化學系教授

2009/08-2010/07 淡江大學化學系副教授

2007/08-2010/07 淡江大學生命科學研究所副教授

2004/08-2007/07 淡江大學生命科學研究所助理教授

2003/08-2004/07 國立台灣大學生命科學院分子細胞生物學研究所特約博士後研究員

2002/08-2003/02 美國奧勒岡大學神經科學研究所訪問學者

2001/08-2002/07 國立台灣大學理學院漁業科學研究所博士後研究員

1997/08-2001/07 國立台灣大學理學院漁業科學研究所博士

1995/08-1997/07 國立台灣大學醫學院生物化學暨分子生物研究所碩士

1989/08-1993/07 國立台灣大學醫學院醫學檢驗暨生物技術學系學士

2023/08-present Tamkang University, Professor in Chemistry

2023/7   Nagasaki University, Japan, International Stay in Atomic Bomb Disease Biology

2019/08-2023/7 Tamkang University, Chairman in Chemistry

2019/7        UMass Lowell, USA, International Stay in Biology

2017/08-2019/07 Tamkang, Chairman in Advanced Material Science

2010/8-2015/7  Tamkang University, Professor in Chemistry

2009/07-2010/08 Tamkang University, Associate Professor in Chemistry

2007/07-2009/07 Tamkang University, Associate Professor in Life Science

2004/08-2007/07  Tamkang University, Assistant Professor in Life Science

2002/08-2003/02 University of Oregon, USA, Research Associate in Neuroscience

2001/08-2004/07 National Taiwan University, Post-doctor in Molecular and Cell Biology

1997/08-2001/07 National Taiwan University, PhD in Fisheries Sciences

1995/08-1997/07 National Taiwan University, MS in Biochemistry

1989/08-1993/07 National Taiwan University, BS in Medical Technology


聯絡電話:(02) 2621-5656 ext.3009 傳真:



E-mail: yauhung@mail.tku.edu.tw














基底細胞癌(basal cell carcinoma)

基底細胞癌是最常見的皮膚癌,大約佔所有皮膚惡性腫瘤的80%以上,好發於頭臉、頸和手部。這種癌症生長緩慢而通常不會轉移到其他部位,但是若沒有處置,會局部破壞及侵犯組織,例如骨頭及神經。在基因層次方面的研究,基底細胞癌其主要成因為sonic hedgehog (shh)訊息傳遞路徑過度活化所導致的癌症。在動物模式的實驗中,以小鼠的研究為例,Oro等人(1997)將被keratin啟動子所驅動的shh基因利用基因轉殖的技術,讓shh基因專一性地在表皮組織過度表現,結果這些基因轉殖小鼠,呈現出多趾(polydactyly)、脊柱裂開(spina bifida)與一些典型的基底細胞癌的症狀,成功地重建基底細胞癌的動物模式。而這種品系的小鼠,在出生前即死亡,並不適合用來當成篩選抗癌藥物的工具。因此,我們建立了基底細胞癌的基因轉殖斑馬魚品系,以便用來開發抗腫瘤新藥。



斑馬魚(zebrafish, Danio rerio)是一種小型觀賞魚,成魚體長約3公分,好養又便宜,體積小,一般的家用一尺水族箱大約可養20隻左右,可大大地降低養殖成本。這類小型魚種擁有卵的數量多(每週可產100-300顆卵),卵徑大而且透明,沒有產卵期的限制,體外授精,整個胚胎發育及器官形成的過程都可以直接在顯微鏡下觀察,基因轉殖操作簡單、成熟期又只有2-3個月等優點。因此,斑馬魚已成為研究癌症、心血管疾病、器官發育、脊椎動物胚胎發育、神經發育、細胞凋亡的重要模式,在藥物毒性的篩檢也扮演重要角色。斑馬魚在抗癌藥物的篩選上最大的好處是生長週期短,可以很快速、很有效率的評估療效,並且飼養成本只有小白鼠的百分之一至千分之一,非常適合藥物的篩選。



(1) 國際期刊審稿委員(Reviewer): Journal of Fish Biology, Photochemistry and Photobiology, Food and Chemical Toxicology, Environmental Toxicology, Journal of Peptide Science, Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery

(2) 國際期刊編審委員(Editorial Board Member): Biotechnology Research International, International Journal of BiotechScience

(3) 國際期刊副主編(Associate Editor): International Journal of Biotechnology Applications





(1)   Zhang HW, Tsai ZR, Kok VC*, Peng HC, Chen YH, Tsai JJP, Hsu, CY (2022) Long-term ambient hydrocarbon exposure and incidence of urinary bladder cancer. Scientific Reports 12: 20799.

(2)   Pan HC#, Chen YH#, Fang WC, Wu VC, Sun CY* (2022) Essential roles of the histone demethylase KDM4C in renal development and acute kidney injury. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23: 9318.

(3)   Lu PH, Liao TH, Chen YH, Hsu YL, Kuo CY, Chan CC, Wang LK, Chern CY*, Tsai FM* (2022) Coumarin derivatives inhibit ADP-induced platelet activation and aggregation. Molecules 27: 4054.

(4)   Liu CF, Ou Yang Y, Huang CY, Jao SW, Kuo YK, Chen HC, Cheng SC, Wang NK, Chuang LH, Chen YH*, Chen WY* (2022) Zebrafish (Danio rerio) is an economical and efficient animal model for screening potential anti-cataract compounds. Translational Vision Science & Technology 11: 21.

(5)   Kuo YK, Chen YT, Chen HM, Wu PC, Sun CC, Yeung L, Lin KK, Chen HC, Chuang LH, Lai CC, Chen YH, Liu CF* (2022) Efficacy of myopia control and distribution of corneal epithelial thickness in children treated with orthokeratology assessed using optical coherence tomography. Journal of Personalized Medicine 12: 278.

(6)   Tang PWH, Wu PH, Lin YT, Chiu CH, Cheng TL, Guan WH, Lin HYH, Lee KT, Chen YH, Liu W* (2022) Zebrafish model-based assessment of Indoxyl sulfate-induced oxidative stress and its impact on renal and cardiac development. Antioxidants 11: 400.

(7)   Sun CY, Chang SC, Wang HP, Lee YJ, Pan KH, Lin CL, Hsieh YT, Ta YC, Chen YH, Chang MF* (2021) LMBD1 protein participates in cell mitosis by regulating microtubule assembly. Biochemical Journal 478: 2321-2337.

(8)   Tsai JN, Ding YJ, Lo KC, Lu PH, Chang CF, Wen CC, Wang BC*, Yang LL*, Chen YH* (2021) Protective role of Bu-Zhong-Yi-Qi decoction on aristolochic acid-intoxicated zebrafish. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 20: 605-611.

(9)   Hsieh KH, Hsu CY, Hung IJ, Yeh CL, Chen YH, Cheng CC* (2021) Positively charged liposomes consisting of the KTTKS pentapeptide conjugated with rhodamine increase rhodamine toxicity in E. coli and zebrafish embryo. Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society 68: 34-38.

(10)  Lu PL, Lee HY, Liou YL, Tung SF, Kuo KL, Chen YH* (2020) Nephroprotective role of Zhibai Dihuang Wan in aristolochic acid intoxicated zebrafish. BioMed Research International Article ID 5204384.

(11)  Wang YH*, Chen YH, Shen WH (2020) Amikacin suppresses human breast cancer cell MDA-MB-231 migration and invasion. Toxics 8: 108.

(12)  Sun CY, Chou CY, Hsieh YT, Lo KC, Liou YL, Chen YH* (2020)Klotho exerts an emerging role in cytokinesis. Genes 11: 1048.

(13)  Chen YH*, Chen YJ, Chou CY, Wen CC, Cheng CC* (2019) UV-protective activities of pineapple leaf extract in zebrafish embryos. Research on Chemical Intermediates 45: 65-75.

(14)  Chen YH, Tai HY, Fu E, Don TM* (2019) Guided bone regeneration activity of different calcium phosphate/chitosan hybrid membrane. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 126: 159-169.

(15)  Hsieh CS, Tsai CT, Chen YH, Chang SN, Hwang JJ, Chuang EY*, Wu IH* (2018) Global expression profiling identifies a novel hyaluronan synthases 2 gene in the pathogenesis of lower extremity varicose veins. Journal of Clinical Medicine 7: 537.

(16)  Tsai JN, Sun CY, Ding YJ, Wang YH, Lo KC, Weng CC, Lin JW, Chang CF, Hsu LS, Chen HM, Fong TH*, Chen YH* (2018) Embryonic exposure to 4-methylimidazole leads to zebrafish myofibril misalignment. Environmental Toxicology 33: 1321-1328.

(17)  Sun CY*, Wu MS, Lee CC, Chen SH, Lo KC, Chen YH* (2018) A novel SNP in the 5’ regulatory region of organic anion transporter 1 is associated with chronic kidney disease. Scientific Reports 8: 8085.

(18)  Chu HF, Chen CC, Moses DC, Chen YH, Lin CH, Tsai YC, Chou CY (2018) Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus papain-like protease 2 can be noncompetitively inhibited by 6-thioguanine. Antiviral Research 158: 199-205.

(19)  Lin MH, Moses DC, Cheng SC, Chen YH, Sun CY*, Chou CY* (2018) Disulfiram can inhibit MERS and SARS coronavirus papain-like proteases via different modes. Antiviral Research 150: 155-163.






(1) Li WJ (李宛潔), Wang YH, Cheng CC, Chen YH* Leading-drug discovery: using zebrafish embryos as a whole organism platform to screen the ruthenium-derived compounds. Fifteenth Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology (15屆中華民國分子細胞生物新知研討會優秀壁報論文獎), Feb. 01-03, Kenting, Taiwan. (2007)

(2) Lee GH (李耕琿), Lin YC (林永蒼), Chen YH* Nuclear factor Y-beta subunit (NF-YB) is required for cartilages organization in zebrafish embryos. The Twenty-two Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science (22屆生物醫學聯合學術年會優秀壁報論文獎), Mar. 17-18, Taipei, Taiwan. (2007)

(3) Chang MY (張民彥), Chen YH* Capsulin, a novel cranial neural crest cell marker, is required for craniofacial organization of zebrafish. The Twenty-two Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science (22屆生物醫學聯合學術年會優秀壁報論文獎), Mar. 17-18, Taipei, Taiwan. (2007)

(4) Chang MY (張民彥), Lee GH (李耕琿), Chen YH* Capsulin is required for zebrafish cranial myogenesis. 2008 International Symposium on Cell Signaling and Gene Regulation, Nov. 15-16, Tainan, Taiwan. (2008) (Outstanding poster award)

(5) Wu HJ (吳欣儒), Yu TH (游宗翰), Chen YH* Overexpression of Sonic hedgehog leads to cell cycle progression and consequently causes epidermis dysplasia. The Fisheries Society of Taiwan, Dec. 20, Taipei, Taiwan. (2008)(台灣水產學會97年度會員大會暨學術論文發表會優秀壁報論文獎)

(6) Yang ZS (楊智翔), Wen CC, Ku CC, Wu HJ (吳欣儒), Chen YH* Development of a whole-organism model to screen new compounds for sun protection. The Fisheries Society of Taiwan, Dec. 20, Taipei, Taiwan. (2008) (台灣水產學會97年度會員大會暨學術論文發表會優秀壁報論文獎)

(7) Ding YJ (丁玉如), Chen YH* Screening of the chemopreventive compounds against kidney injury from natural products. Taiwan Testing and Quality Assurance Association, Nov. 07, Taipei, Taiwan. (2012)(TTOAA檢驗及品保協會優秀壁報論文獎)

(8) Lin ZY (林子淯), Chen YH* N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor plays a role during zebrafish myogenesis. The Twenty-eight Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science (28屆生物醫學聯合學術年會優秀壁報論文獎), Mar. 23-24, Taipei, Taiwan. (2013)


